Sunday, May 1, 2022

Boy Scout Camporee 4-2022

 In April 2022 the Rivers Edge district hosted a camporee with about 300 participants in Brooks, Oregon.  We ran 2 of the 9 activity stations- a leather name tag station and an animal matching game station. 

About 220 people - mostly youth - joined us in learning about animals seen by travelers on the Oregon Trail via a matching game.  Groups matched toy animals with corresponding pelts, info cards and items made from the animals.

Each participant was offered a educational pamphlets and a headband with bighorn sheep horns from The Wild Sheep Foundation. 

Here is a word cloud of the feedback received; 

Leather name tag station; 

About 70 leather name tags were made by the scouts...

Thanks to a key sponsor Cabela’s, prizes were given to one person from the teams that did the Animals Along the Oregon Trail matching game.  Participants that struggled but didn't give up OR someone who made a significant cheerful contribution were chosen to receive a prize.  

Prizes included headlamps, flashlights, flint & steel strikers, dry bag, and other small camping items.


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Animals on the Oregon Trail game

 Educational matching game!

  In this game you will learn about 10 different animals and how their leather / fur is used to benefit people. 
  You will increase your appreciation for these amazing animals as you study and handle the pelts and items made from the animals. 
  Remember animals are here on the earth for us to use and we need to take care of these resources wisely.

  You will use your EYES & HANDS & Smarts to match 10 sets together

1.  Each team gets a container of 10 toy animals
2.   Each team gets a set of 10 “ interesting facts sheet”
Match the Intetesting Facts with the corresponding animal
3.  Find the matching pelt / skin for each animal
4.  Find the matching item made from the leather, wool or fur of each animal

For example, a Fact Sheet may state: 
      -Rattlesnakes live in the USA and several types exist.  Their skin can be tanned and used in boots, shoes and other items. 
A set of toy animals 
Rattlesnake toy
Examples of rattlesnake skin
Knife sheath covered with rattlesnake skin

   - Can you find the toy animal rattlesnake !??
      -Now lastly find the Rattlesnake skin and knife sheath? 
       Congrats - you matched a set! 

These animal pelts / toys / leather & fur items are used for presentations to youth.  It has taken years to develop the collection - please be respectful and careful.  And have fun learning and exploring as you handle the various pelts / items. 
