At the 2014 NAACS event (Boy Scout Order of the Arrow activity) near Astoria, OR we taught another leatherwork class. Participants viewed and handled over 80 different animal skins & hides as well as about a dozen useful items made from animals.
The scouts made leather pouches with nametags and decorated with beaver, coyote, deer or diamondback rattlesnake.
Explaining how to make the leather pouches;
Showing Sioux Indian articles made from leather & feathers
Animal hides & snake skins to view & handle; (beaver, anaconda, squirrel, bison, ostrich, rabbit, moose, fox, stingray, mule deer, musk ox)
Animal hides to view & handle; (wolf, fisher, coyote, elk, pronghorn, goat )
Tan leather with raccoon tail, snap rounded closure
Leather with coyote hide + black leather with rabbit hide over snap closure
Blue leather with rattlesnake & pointed snap closure
Brown leather with wide cover & exposed lacing
Black leather with rattlesnake skin & snap closure
Black leather with rattlesnake skin & wide circular cover with rattlesnake skin
Green leather with rattlesnake skin, hidden closure